Perryman Maryland Train Station – Maryland

Perryman Train Station – 
Harford County, Maryland
Pennsylvania Railroad
Bush River Station to the South – Aberdeen Station to the North
In early years, went by the name of Perrymansville.

In Harford County, The Pennsylvania Railroad had 7 stops/stations for Harford County around 1911. Stations listed included Havre de Grace, Swan Creek, Aberdeen, Perryman, Bush River, Edgewood, and Magnolia. By 1958, only Aberdeen, Perryman and Edgewood were listed. 
We found references to the stop showing a population of 275 being 27 miles East, Northeast of Baltimore City, along the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad. from 1922. Another reference was found in the ABC Pathfinder Shipping and Mailing Guide from 1892.

Perryman Station no longer stands. The train does not stop here anymore and the area where the train comes through is fenced off and a bridge helps traffic get from one side of the town to the other. 

Where The road once crossed the tracks
In 1882 – a train struck a milk truck just South of the Perryman Station.
1900 – Bad storms blew over several trees along the tracks stopping up rail service for a time.
1904 – A track hand was killed by a train along the tracks near Perryman.
1916 – A freight train carry 82 cars overturned near Perryman, killing two crew members aboard.
1939 – The body of a young man was found along the tracks. At first it was believed he had fallen off a passing freight train,, but further investigation found he may have been thrown off the train after a fight.
1932 – A signal worker along the rails near Perryman was killed when a train derailed near Perryman.
Some of Perryman’s Main Street

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