Mardela Springs Train Station, Maryland

For years, the Town of Mardela Springs on Maryland’s Eastern Shore had a small railroad station for resort travelers who wished to travel to the small town for the water. Apparently the Town had a spring that had water that had medical benefits. The station was later torn down ( or moved ) and today, near where the old station stood , is the old Rockawalkin Station, that was moved from nearby Rockwalkin and restored.

In seeing the old Rockawalkin Station moved to the Mardela Springs location, I wondered, what happened to the originial Mardela Springs train depot. I finally found a clue researching when I came upon an article written by Dick Moore in the Daily Times out of Salisbury, Maryland. Not only did the article have good information on 4 of the old Eastern Shore depots, it was complete with photos. Sorry for the image quality, it’s the best we could do for now. In 1958, the old Mardela Springs depot was being used as a barn.

Photo from Dick Moore – Daily Times, Salisbury Maryland 1958

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