Cylburn Station – Baltimore

I have seen a few references to a Cylburn Station along the Northern Central Railroad.
In 1895, an ad for “Trotting Stock” posted an ad for about 20 young horses, being sold on the Clyburn Estate . The horse sale is mentioned as being six minutes walk from the nearby Cylburn Station.
Cylburn was the site of a dance, given by Mr. & Mrs Jesse Tyson, in the 1890’s. The dance was held at the conservatory at Cylburn and the location was decorated with Japanese Lanterns. Dinner was served at 11:00 Pm and at 1:00AM a special train left Clyburn Station along the NCRR Line back to Baltimore City.

Train Depots were always a good selling point for any homes along the train line. In 1893, an ad for a ” Suburban Home”, located on Belvedere Avenue, ” four minutes walk from Cylburn Station” was posted in the paper.
Clyburn wasn’t always in the paper for good news however, In 1901, the station was mentioned after a man leap from the Belvedere Bridge ( current Northern Parkway Bridge over Interstate 83- JFX ) to the NCR tracks below to his death. Apparently the gentleman was in poor health.
1904 Cylburn is listed as a post village, although it was more of a depot for one residence. It lists the address as Baltimore County, although it is in present day Baltimore City.

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