Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
Designed by Frank Furness
Built 1886-Razed
Also known as White Marsh
An ad for the B&O Railroad in 1888 shows an excursion train leaving from Cowenton Station to Philadelphia, leaving the station at 6AM and returning back from Philadelphia leaving that station at 6 30 PM.
In 1901 , a franchise was granted for telephone lines to be installed from the Cowenton Station to the general area, along ” Camp Chapel Road towards Belair Road, and along Cowenton Road”.
In 1907, there was an odd story that occurred near Cowenton Station. where a man was seen shaking and appeared to have been ” charmed” by two black snakes near him. The man said he had been hypnotized for near half and hour by the two snakes. A passerby killed one of the snakes, which measured ten feet in length but the smaller snake measuring about eight feet long escaped. Also in 1907, references were found of a Dalia flower show in the area of the train station in Cowenton.
In 1911, the U.S. Geographic Board mentioned that the Station would go under the name of “Whitemarsh” , and not Cowenton or White Marsh. The area today goes under the name of White Marsh. I found mention of the station located in the Nottingham area, near Honeygo Run, a branch of Whitemarsh Run, regarding rock formations in the area.
In 1911, a gelding (horse) which belonged to a nearby resident wandered onto the tracks and was struck and killed by a passing train near Cowenton Station. The horse went by the name of General Latrobe and the owner sued for $1,200 for the loss of the horse.
In 1916, a rifle stolen in a burglary in Baltimore City earlier was located by Detectives buried near the train station. Charges were placed against the suspects in this matter who assisted police in locating the weapon.
In 1916 – A car was struck near Cowenton Station, killing one.
1917 advertised a Dahlia ( flower ) show that even had a train excursion to it. The same flower show was advertised in 1907.
1921 saw the news that an alleged murderer who had escaped from jail was seen at the Cowenton Train Station for about an hour before boarding a northbound train.
In 1922, a automobile crossed the train tracks near Cowenton Station, killing one person and injuring another. In 1925, it appears the railroad was asking the Public Service Commission to abandon the station and service to Cowenton.
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