Bradshaw Train Station – Baltimore County,  Maryland

Baltimore & Ohio Railroad – B&O Railroad
Designed by Frank Furness
Built  1887-Razed since

I’m guessing the station was located near the B&O tracks, in the area of Bradshaw Road, in the Northern section of Baltimore County, just off of Rt 7, and just South of the Harford County line. Bradshaw Road dead ends right at the tracks, and there appears to be no trace what so ever of the old station. Any information would be greatly appreciated. 

We purchased the above image and later found the same image, a bit better , online.

Image –     The Library Company of Philadelphia

  In 1925, suit was filed against the B&O Railroad by a gentlemen for the loss of his wife who was reportedly struck by a train at the Bradshaw Station.

Where did many of these old images come from ?

In March, 1891 a small group of B&O Railroad employees set out from Baltimore riding on a railroad hand cart to inspect and photograph bridges and stations along the recently completed 111-mile Philadelphia Division linking Baltimore and Philadelphia. Under the supervision of Division Engineer Maintenance-of-Way William A. Pratt and Foreman of Bridges and Buildings George W. Andrews, the group photographed 78 bridges and culverts spanning rivers, creeks, runs, and roads in Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania, and 37 of the nearly 70 stations along the line. The resulting album containing 129 cyanotype photographs depicts a variety of late 19th-century railroad architecture and engineering works.” ( Thanks to the Library Company of Philadelphia for the above information ).

Right about where the Station had been

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In 1942, a fire was reported at the station , causing damage. The cause was believed to have been people looking to get warm and setting a fire. The fire did cause heavy damage to the old station.