Chapel Train Depot

Talbot County , Maryland

Chapel Station was a smaller earlier depot on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. It was located between Easton to the West and Thompson’s to the East. It was in the area of Cordova, which from what I am finding was the station location mentioned in later years. It might have been connected to the Woodland Post Office. , where a telegraph office was set up. In 1887 , from what I have found, the Chapel Depot was destroyed by a fire.
In1892, the town of Henderson got a new train depot from the railroad. The old station that had been in Henderson was relocated to Chapel, to serve as a depot.
Our 1904 copy of the Gazetteer has no mention of train depot in Chapel, and has Chapel as a creek in Dorchester County.
In 1924, The Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic Railroad was undergoing the change to be a part of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the railroad was asking the Public Service Commission to close the Chapel Station. The station at that time was being used by farmers in the area for the shipments of farmer supplies and the closing of the little station would affect both the farmers and land values in the area. While the article went on to say there was public outcry to the closing of the Chapel Depot, I believe that was the end of the station.

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