Baltimore Police Stations – Inventory of them

Above – The old Baltimore Police Headquarters – Razed 

Baltimore City is currently divided into nine Police Districts. They are numbered so that Central District is One, Southeast is two, Eastern is Three, Northeastern is Four, Northern is Five, Northwestern is six, Western is Seven, Southwestern is Eight and Southern is Nine. Several of the Districts have also had “sub-stations” over the years. The photo above is of the old Baltimore City Police Headquarters, which was torn down to finish the ramp from southbound I-83 to Fayette Street. In one article I read from 1930, it stated that there was a conference held there where “every City Police officer” was in attendance. 

As the City has grown and the boundaries of the City have changed over the years, the Districts and their boundaries have changed as well. The old Eastern District just a block off of Broadway is actually in the SED , and the Old NED District is actually today in Eastern District. Most of the old station houses were rebuilt in the 1950’s and most of those buildings are still being used.

Central District – The old Central District was located years back on Saratoga Street. I believe it was near the intersection of Holiday Street, but I’m not quite sure of that.

Headquarters – Downtown Baltimore : I believe back in the day, Headquarters worked out of the Downtown Circuit Courthouse. I read that for years Detectives would respond to the City Courthouse for assignment, but after the need grew, a Baltimore Police Headquarters Building was built on Fayette Street near Front Street, behind the War Memorial Building. The building was torn down years ago and the site is now the exit ramp of I-83 at Fayette Street.

Southeastern District : The Old Southeastern District was located in a section near Canton. The building, which still stands, is located on Toone Street.

Southeastern – Also listed as the Southeastern Substation.
Still standing as used as a residential building.

Eastern District : below
Still standing and used as residential building.

Northeastern District : Ashland Avenue ( below )
Still standing as used as an office.

Northern District – Keswick and 33rd Street
Still standing and used by businesses 

Northwestern District – Pennsylvania Avenue

The old Northwestern Police Station was located along Pennsylvania Avenue in West Baltimore ( Back then Northwestern Baltimore ). The Station location moved to Reisterstown Road in the late 1950’s. The old station was torn down.

Western District – Pine Street ( Below )
Still standing and used as University of Maryland Police

The old Pine Street Station seen above is still standing and used as Police Headquarters for the University of Maryland  at Baltimore  Police. Western District moved to Riggs Avenue further West, in the late 1950’s..

Southwestern Police Station
Still standing but at last check vacant.


The old Southwestern Police Station is no longer used and stands vacant. There have been proposals of what to do with the building, but over the past years, it just sits. The Southwest District moved over to Font Hill Avenue much further West in the 1950’s.

Southern District Police Stationhouse
Still standing and now apartments I believe.

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